Recent Developments of the SLMA

SLMA as a national organization

Over the years, SLMA has gracefully grown into a leading national body that connects medical professionals across the island with a massive web, electronic and social media presence. Given below are the key events that transpired as a result of the pioneering efforts of those key members that have now formed a strong foundation for the Association to move forward into a new era.


Establishment of the SLMA Medical Informatics Subcommittee
This was established in January 1997, with Dr. Shyam Fernando as the chairperson, Dr. Senaka Rajapaksa as convener and Dr. Vajira H. W. Dissanayake as Editor.

Launch of the Ceylon Medical Journal website
This designed and launched by Dr. Shyam Fernando, it was later incorporated into the SLMA website by Dr. Vajira H. W. Dissanayake and maintained until the CMJ was transferred to the Sri Lanka Journals Online platform in 2010

Launching of the SLMA website
The SLMA website was designed and launched by Dr. Shyam Fernando, later it was expanded and maintained by Dr. Vajira H. W. Dissanayake until 2012.

The first electronic newsletter of the SLMA – mediinfo
It was published in April 1997. It was Sri Lanka’s first Electronic Medical Informatics News Letter. It can still be accessed at


The Anniversary Academic Session was held in Kandy, Moving out of Colombo for the first time.


Under the leadership of Dr Sunil Senevirathna Epa, the concept of Continous Professional Developed (CPD) and revalidation was formally introduced to Sri Lanka for the first time.


SLMA took an active role in Tsunami disaster relief activities.

Prof A H Sheriffdeen initiated the committee for the prevention of road accidents.


SLMA office was renovated during the Presidency of Dr Suriyakanthi Amarasekera

The website of the Sri Lanka Clinical Trials Registry was launched in 2006 when the SLCTR was established by the SLMA.


SLMA constitution was revised under the guidance of Prof Lalitha Mendis

The newsletter was printed in full color and converted into a revenue generation entity under the guidance of Prof Lalitha Mendis and Dr Indika Karunathilake.

First corporate plan of SLMA was developed.

Inaugural  Law -Medical Cricket encounter between doctors and lawyers, an initiative by Dr. Indika Karunathilake.


SLMA foundation sessions were held in Jaffna for the first time in the history, with Prof Nadada Warnasuriya as the President and Dr. Indika Karunathilake as the secretary.


Re-launch of SLMA website
By Prof Vajira Dissanayake, Dr Lasantha Malwige, Dr Deepal Wijesooriya:
This site was redesigned and was the first mobile responsive website for a professional medical association in Sri Lanka, being viewable on mobile phone and desktop alike.

Launch of SLMA Email List
By Prof Vajira Dissanayake, Dr Lasantha Malwige, Dr Rikaz Sheriff: This was the initial launch of the SLMA email list. The list was largely a combination of emails from all major medical associations in Sri Lanka.

Launch of online abstract submission system and payment gateway for annual scientific sessions
By Prof Vajira Dissanayake, Dr Lasantha Malwige, Dr Rikaz Sheriff:
The abstract system allowed the collection of abstracts online and was the first major implementation of its kind receiving over 400 abstracts.

Launch of SLMA online library on ISSUU
By Prof Vajira Dissanayake, Dr Lasantha Malwige, Dr Prasad Ranatunga:
The online library served the purpose of allowing members and health professionals to view national guidelines and articles.

Launch of SLMA social media platforms
By Prof Vajira Dissanayake, Dr Lasantha Malwige, Dr Deepal Wijesooriya, Dr Prasad Ranatunga, Dr Rikaz Sheriff:
The SLMA launched its official Facebook, Twitter, YouTube & LinkedIn pages with the objectives of interacting with medical professionals and public. It also included a SMS service via Twitter.

Launch of DocCall
By Prof Vajira Dissanayake, Dr Lasantha Malwige, Dr Nishan Siriwardena, Dr Prasad Ranatunga, Dr Mohamed Ajwath, Dr Manoj Kannangara, Dr Manjula Dharmawardana, Dr Praveen De Silva, Dr Mayura Yapa

The SLMA became the first medical association to launch a health information service in partnership with Mobitel. The service allowed users to ask questions about basic health problems via telephone.


Launch of SLMA Bulletin Service
By Dr BJC Perera, Dr Samanmali Sumanasena, Prof Vajira Dissanayake, Dr BJC Perera, Dr Rikaz Sheriff: This was the next evolution of the SLMA Email List from sending single emails to a bi-weekly digest. The bulletin was linked to analytical software and social media for objective and cohesive news dissemination.

Live telecast of SLMA Lecture via UStream
By Dr BJC Perera, Dr Samanmali Sumanasena, Dr Rikaz Sheriff:
This was the first telecast of a live SLMA event.

The online abstract submission system of SLMA
By Dr BJC Perera, Dr Samanmali Sumanasena, Dr. Deepal Wijesooriya
The 2nd version of the abstract system drastically improved the abstract submission and review process. Over 275 abstracts were submitted for the Annual Congress in 2013 alone.

E-Learning Portal
By Dr BJC Perera, Dr Samanmali Sumanasena, Dr Indika Karunathilake, Dr Gumindu Kulatunga, Dr Rikaz Sheriff:
Signing of agreement for pilot of an eLearning System in partnership with Dialog. The system would allow a virtual classroom for doctors online.


E-Poster for SLMA Annual Scientific Sessions
By Dr Palitha Abeykoon, Dr Indika Karunathilake, Dr. Romain Perera, Dr. Dinesha Jayasinghe, Dr. Chiranthi Liyanage
All posters were accepted via email and displayed at the congress via digital TV.

Live Telecast and Recording of SLMA Annual Scientific Sessions
By Dr Palitha Abeykoon and Dr Indika Karunathilake
The entire scientific congress of 2014 was recorded and some meetings were streamed live

Digital Information Kiosk
By Dr Palitha Abeykoon, Dr Ruvaiz Haniffa, Dr Rikaz Sheriff:
An interactive digital kiosk was launched in partnership with Sri Lanka Medical Library supported by GSK. It houses vital updates of the SLMA and library information located near the Sri Lanka Medical Library.

Launch of SLMA Bulletin System
By Dr Palitha Abeykoon, Dr Ruvaiz Haniffa, Prof Jennifer Perera, Prof Vajira Dissanayake, Dr BJC Perera, Dr Rikaz Sheriff:
The bulletin further evolved into a total email and subscriber solution hosted on Mailchimp.

SLMA & Mobitel win eSwabhimani award for DocCall


Redesign and Update of the SLMA Website
By Dr Chiranthi Liyanage, Dr Rikaz Sheriff, Dr. Priyanga Ranasinghe and Prof. Jennifer Perera

Online Abstract Submission System
By Dr Chiranthi Liyanage, Dr Padma Gunarathne, Dr. Priyanga Ranasinghe and Prof. Jennifer Perera

Online Payment Gateway for the Congress Registrants and Members
By Dr Chiranthi Liyanage, Dr Kalyani Guruge and Prof. Jennifer Perera

New Co-operate Plan was Launched for 2015 – 2020
By Dr Sumithra Thisera and Prof. Jennifer Perera

Recruitment of a Full Time IT Executive
By SLMA Council – 2015

Updating eBulletin Subscription Services
By Dr Ranil Jayawardene, Prof. Jennifer Perera and Mr. Tharindu Ranatunga

Converting eBulletin Service to a Self Sustainable and Revenue Generation Service Through Co-operate Advertising
By Dr Ranil Jayawardene, Prof. Jennifer Perera and Mr. Tharindu Ranatunga


Renovated and refurbished SLMA office, front lobby, stairway up to the auditorium of the Wijerama House. 
By Dr Iyanthi Abeyewickereme, Prof Vajira Dissanayake, Dr Samanthi De Silva

The SLMA corporate video developed.
By Dr Samanthi De Silva, Dr Manisha Abeyewickereme

History of Medicine Volume II – all contributions to Volume II have been received and editing in the process. The book will be printed in January 2017.
By Dr Iyanthi Abeyewickereme, Dr Palitha Abeyekoon, Dr Lakshman Karalliaedde, Dr Philip Veerasingham

SLMA proposal to include Health as a fundamental right was included in the draft new constitution.
By Dr Saroj Jayasinghe, Dr Iyanthi Abeyewickereme

Road Map To End AIDS in Sri Lanka Before 2030 – developed and published.
By Dr Iyanthi Abeyewickereme, Dr G. Weerasinghe, Dr N. Punchihewa


Initiatives on the prevention of NCD under the guidance of Prof Chandrika Wijeyarathne.


The main focus was on strengthening the primary health care and a strong collaboration was established with World Bank under the guidance of Dr Ruvaiz Haniffa and Dr Hasini Banneheka


During 2019, SLMA worked in close collaboration with several international organizations under the guidance of Dr Anula Wijesundera and Dr Kapila Jayarathne and secured an international grant for the reduction of maternal mortality.


2020 was a unique year, with SLMA facing up to the challenge of COID 19, and thriving, fulfilling it’s responsibilities as the National Medical Association during the hour of need of the nation, during the under the Presidency of Prof. Indika Karunathilake.SLMA worked in close collaboration with the government of Sri Lanka, Ministry of Health and WHO and contributed towards the nation’s successful control of COVID-19

2020 can be considered as a year of digital revolution. 133rd Anniversary International Medical Congress of SLMA, was conducted as a virtual online conference for the first time in the history. The congress, webcast from Historic Wijerama house, made a welcome return Wijerama House after 20 years.