About Us
- Vision
The Expert Committee on Suicide Prevention of SLMA envisions a Sri Lanka where all stakeholders for suicide prevention work together to aspire to achieve zero suicides and minimal self-harm by sustaining a comprehensive suicide and self-harm prevention strategy as a priority in their health and safety agenda. - Mission
The mission of the Expert Committee on Suicide Prevention of the SLMA is to provide guidance, support and collaboration to the relevant stakeholders to facilitate the prevention of suicide and deliberate self-harm in Sri Lanka.
- Vision
- Objectives and main strategies
- Assist in the development of policies outlining priority areas and give recommendations on coordinated, evidence-based strategies for prevention of suicide and self-harm in Sri Lanka
- Prioritize areas that need strengthening with regards to prevention of suicide and self-harm in Sri Lanka
- Identify key stakeholders and advocate with them for the development of a framework for prevention of suicide and deliberate self-harm
- Provide support to identified stakeholders and work alongside them to optimize provision of services
- Contribute towards development of relevant national guidelines