Activities Conducted Last Year
- “Consultative meeting to explore the possibility of banning highly lethal pesticides in Sri Lanka”. This programme was organized by the Mental Health Directorate of the Ministry of Health with the participation of SLMA – SPTF, Registrar of Pesticides, Ministry of Agriculture and other stakeholders on 02nd September 2019.
- Seminar for media and public on “Reducing Suicides in Sri Lanka through the Media” on 04th September 2019 at the SLMA, organized by the SPTF.
- Seminar on “Empowering Youth to Combat Deliberate Self-harm” at the Sri Lanka Technological Campus in Padukka on 10th September 2019 by the SLMA – SPTF.
- Participation in seminar to commemorate World Mental Health Day organized by the Directorate of Mental Health of the Ministry of Health under the theme “Mental Health Promotion – Suicide Prevention on 8th October, 2019.