Welcome to the Website of SLMA Expert Committee on Snakebite
The SLMA Expert Committee on Snakebite was established in 1983. Its Aims and Objectives were defined as set out below in 2011:
- Advise the SLMA Council on all matters relating to issues in connection with snakebite in Sri Lanka.
- Be available to advise the Ministry of Health and other Government bodies on all matters relating to issues in connection with snakebite in Sri Lanka.
- play proactive roles in the prevention of snakebite and promotion of best practices in the management of snakebite by venomous snakes through
- lectures and seminars at SLMA clinical and scientific meetings;
- outreach programmes for doctors and other health delivery staff in provincial institutions;
- radio and television programmes for the general public;
- talks and publications for the general public; and
- publications, including management guidelines, for medical practitioners.
- Promote, encourage, and facilitate development of effective snake antivenom for use in Sri Lanka.
- Promote, encourage , and facilitate collection of accurate data regarding snakebite and snakebite deaths.
- Any other activities including partnering civil society organisations that may be necessary to achieve the general objectives 1 to 5.
The Guidelines for the Management of Snakebite in Hospital 2021 that are contained in this website replaces the 2017 Guidelines.